Introducing the TripPA Itinerary Manager

4 November 2024
Putting together an enriching and exciting itinerary for a school trip is one of the most important tasks in the planning of a successful educational visit, but it can often be an admin nightmare! With TripPA’s simple-to-use and intuitive itinerary manager integrated into the web and mobile apps, you can say goodbye to these headaches and save time.

Add Events Quickly and Easily
With our school trip itinerary manager, teachers can add events in seconds, through our web platform or mobile app. Schedule in everything from museum tours to snack breaks with just a few taps, ensuring all activities are recorded accurately and effortlessly.

A display of the itinerary manager on the TripPA web app.

Instant Access for Parents and Staff
One of the advantages of using the TripPA school trip management app is that both parents and staff have access. In the itinerary manager, every event, update, or schedule change is viewable immediately, meaning you can cut out all those update emails, and keep everyone in the loop at all times.

Precise Timings and Detailed Information
Each itinerary item shows exact times and dates, so that parents and staff know what to expect at every stage of the trip. Teachers can add extra details, such as “students will be dismissed from the school hall” or “students will need a packed lunch,” for clarity and convenience.

User-Friendly Design
TripPA’s school trip itinerary manager is designed with busy teachers and parents in mind and is intuitive, easy, and fun to use.

Say goodbye to logistical headaches and stacks of documents and hello to Trips without trip-ups! Sign up to our newsletter to keep up to date with TripPA as we head towards the launch of the app.

TripPA's Itinerary Manager on the mobile app.